
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Whole Family Embraced Islam with Blessings of Bismillah

Ubqari Magazine - June 2014

While entering the play ground, Rashid recited Bismillah and started playing. Asif made fun of Rashid and said why you need to recite Bismillah all the time?, Rashid replied that our Prophet (PBUH) says that every work should be started with Bismillah as than it progresses with blessings and safety. Asif said that I cannot understand this philosophy that humans work with hand than why to recite Bismillah in it? Rashid said after getting free from playing, I will narrate you a story which is very interesting and about Bismillah. While Rashid was speaking, Asif said that you have pulled Bismillah in interesting story, please leave it anytime.

Now listen...! There was a small village in East Pakistan before partition where Muslims and Hindus use to live together. In the same village, Jameela and Kimla Devi two friends used to live. Whenever, Kimla used to go at Jameela’s place, she observed that her house mates start every work by reciting Bismillah. One day when she asked her friend Jameela that why all of your family recite Bismillah before starting any work than she told her that our Prophet (PBUH) has said that Bismillah brings blessings in all matters and starting any work by reciting Bismillah keeps the people away from bad experiences and they attempt to work for good.

Kimla Devi liked this ideology and learnt to recite Bismillah from Jameela and now when Kimla Devi used to start any work, she recite Bismillah but her family disliked this habit. They asked Kimla Devi not to recite Bismillah, but when she did not listened to them, her father thought a trick to stop Kimla Devi from reciting Bismillah. He gave a gold ring to Kimla Devi and asked her to take care of it. Kimla Devi recited Bismillah and put the ring in her chest. Her father was looking at her while she was placing the ring.

After some days, he got the ring from the chest and thrown it into the river. He was so happy that now he will ask Kimla Devi for ring and when she will not be able to find it in the chest than I will ask that your ring has been lost with recitation of Bismillah. One day her father brought fish from market and asked Kimla Devi to make it, Kimla Devi recited Bismillah and started making food. While she was making the meat, she got the ring from it. She recited Bismillah and kept the ring in her chest.

One day when whole family was sitting together than Kimla’s father asked her that he gave her a gold ring some days back, bring that ring to me. Kimla Devi went and opened the chest after reciting Bismillah and brought the ring. Kimla’s father remained stunned after looking at the ring. Kimla told every one that it is all with the blessings of Bismillah. Although you threw the ring in the river but with the blessings of Bismillah, a fish swallowed it and some days back when I was making fish than I found it from the meat. Kimla’s family was impressed with this incident and all of them embraced Islam by heart.

Right! Asif said on the end of the story and decided to recite Bismillah before starting any thing. InshAllah, dear children, you will like this narration of Blessings of Bismillah. Now read these four golden principles of an elderly man who got them in 50 years after reading books. These four principles will help you throughout life.

1 Stay happy on what Allah has given you and if your are not satisfied with it than find another lord who could give you more than this.

2 When Allah has forbidden any thing than stay away from it or else go out from this universe.

3 If you want to commit a sin than find a place where Allah is not seeing you or else do not commit it.

4 Obey Allah or else do not eat any thing which He has given you.

Unity is Blessing

(Sidra tul Muntaha, Sakkar)

Three men entered into a garden and started eating fruits by picking them from trees, when the gardener got this news than he came. When he saw them than one man was the son of Chief of the City, second was the son of Qazi and the third was son of mason. The gardener thought that I am alone and they were three so he should deal with them trickly.

So, the gardener welcomed the son of mason saying that I am lucky that you came into my garden, please sit on the chair and eat the fruits. When he went to bring the chair, than the gardener asked the other two men that both of you have right on my garden as one is chief and other is qazi, but why this mason is standing equal to you.

You can stay here for a month and eat fruits but I will see the third one. After praising them, he went for the mason and beaten him in the room and left him unconscious. Than he came back to the garden and spoke to the son of Qazi that you fool, he is son of chief of the city and every thing of ours is for him but who are you to stand equal to him. Than he beaten him and he fell down. Now the son of chief and gardener were alone there, than he spoke to him that if you will do such robberies than who will take care of us. After saying this, he beaten him too and took his revenge. (Masnavi Sharif).

Moral: dear children, the enemy always attempts to create separation in you and by keeping in mind that unity is blessing, you should be aware of such tricks.

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